Well, almost two weeks of solitude here at Clarcona Horseman's Park. Friday afternoon however the horses invaded! About 130 horses were brought in from around Central Florida for a riding competition. The place became very busy. Oddly enough though, we were still the only ones camping out on the RV side. The others either went back home after dropping off their horses or stayed in their cars and trucks.
The horse riding competition was held on Saturday and went on into the evening. Most all the contestants were girls ranging from 6 years old to the early twenties. With a few older women included also. The horse riding competition involved jumping, trotting, walking, and galloping. My sister and brother-in-law came by with their three little girls and we all watched the events until it became too hot.
By the time I awoke Sunday morning, the stables were once again deserted. This afternoon we prepared for our departure in the morning.